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Treatment for hair fall without any side-effects

1. Coconut This ingredient has many perks for flowing hair. Not only does it promote growth of hair, but additionally conditions it. It h...

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Why do we need to drink water?

1) TRAIN HARDER – Water facilitates the delivery of oxygen to muscles and enables the body perform training more efficiently. Essentially, greater water inside muscle cells, the higher quality they function, more readily increasing in strength, size and capacity. Just as the giant redwood trees needs water to cultivate tall & stay strong, so do we!
2) TRIM DOWN – when our bodies is dehydrated it is going to hold on to fluid, causing bloating and fat gain. It retains extra water from cells – including fat cells – for making up with the fact that it’s lacking water. With less water in fat cells, there is certainly commensurately less mobilisation for energy!
3) WAKE UP & CLEAR YOUR HEAD – experiencing low energy-levels, headaches and hunger can all be signs that you’re not drinking enough water. So as an alternative to popping another paracetamol or mistaking thirst for hunger (ultimately causing overeating), try drinking a glass of water, as it’s an organic appetite suppressant.
4) COFFEE, ALCOHOL & SALT – Ever felt monstrously bloated after the heavy evening out? Alcohol (as well as coffee, tea and “popular colas”) all become ‘diuretics’, forcing water out of our bodies, ultimately causing dehydration. Too much sodium also leads to both dehydration and fluid retention. Yet another reason we ought to always look at the food labels, and eat fresh, clean food without funky additives!
5) CHARGE YOUR METABOLISM – The kidneys remove toxins in a dehydrated body, their function is inefficient along with the liver needs to work in overdrive-mode. The liver metabolises fat, in case it can’t make this happen effectively enough, it can lead to fat gain. Essentially, it decelerates your organs as well as the whole system becomes sluggish & inefficient.
6) PURIFY THE BLOOD – c. 90% of your respective blood is composed of water. Not having enough water within the system can cause our bodies to steal some out of your blood instead. This in turn could potentially cause small vessels to seal, thickening the blood and leaving it almost certainly going to clot as it’s tougher to pump it around our bodies. The problem here? High cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Bad.
7) SOAK IT UP – Water absorbs different nutrients in food & transports them throughout the digestive system, leaving the nutrients better plus much more readily absorbed by one's body.
8) LOOSEN UP – It keeps orally and eyes moist together with lubricating joints and muscles lowering the risk of cramps and sprains, in order to lift heavier, slightly easier

